
Tuesdays With Tommy

The Five Remaining Noodles

I have a good friend named Jeff that lives in Cleveland, Ohio. He's one of the most genuine guys I know. Talented author and speaker. Jeff doesn't just get servant leadership - he lives servant leadership. A few months ago, Jeff called me, deeply hurt and upset. He...

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The Five Remaining Noodles

I have a good friend named Jeff that lives in Cleveland, Ohio. He's one of the most genuine guys I know. Talented author and speaker. Jeff doesn't just get servant leadership - he lives servant leadership. A few months ago, Jeff called me, deeply hurt and upset. He...

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Critics & Crazies

I'm not certain if these facts are correct, but for this BLOG's sake, let's call it 5%.   There are 5% of people in the world that believe:   Walt Disney's body is frozen. NASA staged Apollo 11's lunar landing on July 20, 1969 in a Hollywood film studio to convince...

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Critics & Crazies

I'm not certain if these facts are correct, but for this BLOG's sake, let's call it 5%.   There are 5% of people in the world that believe:   Walt Disney's body is frozen. NASA staged Apollo 11's lunar landing on July 20, 1969 in a Hollywood film studio to convince...

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Sweet Baby James

I had a crush on a girl in college named Leigh Ann Justice. We took a statistics class together. Carolina blue eyes that could make any college senior attend all his 8:00am MWF classes! One problem. Leigh-Ann was way out of my league. Not even close! One thing I've...

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Talent vs. Tenacity

The names in this BLOG have been changed to protect the privacy of individuals. I met a guy named Peter Jackson thirty years ago. He and I went to different colleges in North Carolina, two hours apart. Back then, Pete, was the lead singer of a college rock band. He...

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Over Cooked Fish

My friends tease me and say that I'm addicted to travel. I'm always on the move. I easily touch down in over a hundred cities across the globe every year between personal and business travel. Sometimes Jill and the kids join me. Some of the time I'm flying solo. Folks...

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Tough Love

My family and I were having breakfast at a packed restaurant this morning. The fire alarm went off. Loud siren. Wonk. Wonk. Wonk. Flashing lights. And not one person budged. Nobody moved. Not even my wife, who is the ultimate rule follower! Everyone just ignored the...

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Old Spice vs. Brut

I woke up in Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada this morning with my nine-year old son, Tate, whistling the Old Spice tune on his way to hockey camp. The cologne my grandfather wore. The cologne my father wore. Now the deodorant and body spray my son proudly wears and...

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Tuesdays with Tommy

Tuesdays with Tommy

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Tuesdays with Tommy

Tuesdays with Tommy

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