
Tuesdays With Tommy

Give Until it Hurts

I heard years ago that when we give to others we should “give until it hurts.” It took me half a lifetime to fully understand those words – give until it hurts. I’ve learned there is a difference between giving and giving until it hurts. A big difference. One makes...

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Give Until it Hurts

I heard years ago that when we give to others we should “give until it hurts.” It took me half a lifetime to fully understand those words – give until it hurts. I’ve learned there is a difference between giving and giving until it hurts. A big difference. One makes...

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Influence Compass

My ghost writer Matthew Sharpe and I were locked in a conference room at the Grand Hyatt New York City a couple weeks ago spending hours and hours talking about the topic of my next book — Influence.   “What’s the definition of influence?”, Matthew kept asking me.   ...

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I'm on a plane with my eleven-year old son, Tate, heading home after a long weekend hockey tournament in Nashville.  I didn't say I was sitting next to my son...thanks to Southwest Airline's open seating policy...Tate chose to sit in the back of the plane with his...

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50 Letters

On Friday, July 12th I woke up to the rock'n Beatles tune, It's Your Birthday, with my wife jumping up and down and dancing on top of our bed holding balloons that said "Happy 50th Birthday".  Half awake I said to Jill, "Today is not my're a month off,...

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Dumb T-Shirt

Ever been to the Jersey Shore? Myrtle Beach? Las Vegas? Do you know what all these places have in common? They all have tourist trap t-shirt shops that sell the dumbest shirts known to mankind. Many of the t-shirts (or better yet…tank tops) are so foul and offensive...

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The Answer is Yes

Next year, my first book It’s Not Just Who You Know celebrates its 10-year anniversary. For the past decade, I’ve committed to teaching people from all types of organizations from all over the world the power of building deep, authentic, and lasting...

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Mistakes Happen

About six months after Australia released its new 50-dollar bill, and 46 million of the bank notes had been circulated, it was found that there were multiple misspellings and typos on the new bill. A national embarrassment. Granted, the mistakes weren’t too easy to...

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Tuesdays with Tommy

Tuesdays with Tommy

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Tuesdays with Tommy

Tuesdays with Tommy

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