
Jill and I went to a small dinner party last week. I sat next to Tina, a fascinating woman who has spent her career caring for terminal cancer patients. I learned so much sitting next to this remarkable woman. There’s much to learn about life from a woman who...

Blind Eye

This week I spoke to a room full of mostly millennials at a meeting in Cincinnati. I love speaking to millennials. They are engaged. They are passionate. And they ask the most meaningful questions. Here was one of their questions, “What was the biggest mistake...

42 Little Pieces

For thousands of years many ancient cultures believed that the Earth was flat, including the Greeks until the classical period. When Columbus made his voyage to the New World many people in Europe knew the Earth was round, but it was not, by any means, universally...

42 Little Pieces

For thousands of years many ancient cultures believed that the Earth was flat, including the Greeks until the classical period. When Columbus made his voyage to the New World many people in Europe knew the Earth was round, but it was not, by any means, universally...

Long Shot

In the summer of 2008, my wife, Jill and I visited my father’s hometown of Saratoga Springs, New York, home of America’s first “flat track”. I love horse racing and watching the thoroughbreds, but I’m not a risky gambler. At the end of...

Chief Wisdom Officer

I had the unique opportunity to live and work in Japan for two years back in 1994. I lived in a small rural village in the alps of the Nagano Prefecture called Kiso-Fukushima. Nagano hosted the 1998 Winter Olympic Games. A very special place. An even more special...
Tuesdays with Tommy

Tuesdays with Tommy

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Tuesdays with Tommy

Tuesdays with Tommy

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