The Catch

Tate Spaulding and “Some Guy” There’s not a person in the world that’s seen the 1989 movie Field of Dreams that doesn’t remember the final scene when Ray Kinsella asks his late father, John Kinsella, to have a baseball catch in the cornfields of Iowa....

Spaulding’s Top 10

Yesterday was the first time in fifty years that I was bored to death.  Sequestered in my home the past week, I was trying to find things to do with my newly found time.  I decided to reach out to some of my friends and ask them their favorite movies of all time.  You...

Upside Down & Inside Out

My life is turned upside down.  Perhaps yours is, too.  My business is turned inside out. Perhaps yours is, too.  Everything that I’m used to is no longer. Perhaps you feel the same way, too. I’m used to heading to an airport twenty times a month. No more airports in...

Endangered Species

Last September I took my father on fishing trip to Alaska to celebrate my 50th birthday. It was a week that I’ll never forget. From Anchorage, we flew into a fishing village called King Salmon and then took a 30-minute float plane to our remote fishing camp. I’d never...

Bone Chilling

Over the holiday break I met with a young professional that attended our Global Youth Leadership Academy years ago. Very bright young lady. She was telling me all about this amazing Silicon Valley company she started working for after she graduated college. She was so...
Tuesdays with Tommy

Tuesdays with Tommy

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Tuesdays with Tommy

Tuesdays with Tommy

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